Technology and ADHD: The Pros and Cons

Written by Gillian Lao

Technology can be a friend or a foe for people who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In this blog post, we will look at how technology can positively and negatively impact people with ADHD, and how to use it wisely. 

The Pros of Technology

Technology can help people with ADHD in many ways, such as:

    • Keeping them organized and on time. There are apps and programs that can remind them of their tasks, goals, and appointments. 
    • Helping them learn and work better. Technology can offer them different ways of learning and working and can also let them customize their environment to suit their needs, such as using headphones or music to focus. 
    • Having fun and stimulating their brains. Technology can provide them with enjoyable and rewarding activities that can boost their dopamine levels, which are often low in people with ADHD. Dopamine is a chemical that helps with motivation, attention, and reward. Technology can also let them explore their interests and passions. 

The Cons of Technology

Technology can also hurt people with ADHD in some ways, such as: 

    • Being addictive and distracting. People with ADHD are often drawn to technology because it gives them instant gratification, novelty, and stimulation. But this can also make them overuse or misuse technology, which can affect their productivity, relationships, and health. For example, they may spend too much time playing games or scrolling social media instead of doing their work or chores.  
    • Worsening their mental health. Technology can expose them to stress, anxiety, depression, and isolation. For example, they may compare themselves negatively to others on social media or feel overwhelmed by the information overload online. Technology can also affect their sleep quality, which is important for their mental health. For example, they may stay up late using their devices or have trouble falling asleep because of the blue light from their screens. 
    • Impairing their social skills. Technology can reduce the amount and quality of face-to-face interactions that people with ADHD have with others. This can affect their social development and communication skills. For example, they may rely too much on texting or messaging instead of talking on the phone or in person. They may also miss out on social cues or emotions when using technology. Technology can also create misunderstandings or conflicts between people with ADHD and others who may have different expectations or etiquette when using technology.

Tips of How to Use Technology Wisely

Technology is not good or bad for people with ADHD; it just depends on how they use it. Here are some tips on how to use technology wisely for people who have ADHD:

    • Set limits on your technology use. Balance your technology use with other activities that are good for your body, mind, and soul. You can set limits by using apps or tools that monitor or block your screen time, setting timers or alarms to remind you to take breaks, or having a specific time and place to use your devices. You can also ask someone you trust to help you stick to your limits. 
    • Use technology for a purpose. Don’t get lost or distracted by technology; use it for a specific purpose, such as learning, working, communicating, or creating. You can also use technology to help you achieve your goals, such as using apps or programs that help you organize, plan, or track your progress. You can also use technology to help you cope with your ADHD symptoms, such as using apps or programs that help you relax, meditate, or exercise. 
    • Use technology to connect with others. Technology can be a great way to connect with others who share your interests, challenges, or experiences. You can use technology to join online communities or support groups that can offer you advice, feedback, or encouragement. You can also use technology to keep in touch with your family and friends who may live far away or have different schedules. However, make sure to have meaningful and respectful interactions with others online, and don’t let technology replace or interfere with your real-life relationships. 


Five apps we recommend for users with ADHD:

    • Evernote 
    • Todoist 
    • Remember the Milk 
    • Due – Reminders and Timer 
    • SimpleMind Pro – Mind Mapping 


Technology can have both pros and cons for people who have ADHD. Technology can help them overcome some of the difficulties they face in their daily lives, but it can also worsen some of the symptoms and problems they experience. Therefore, it is important for people who have ADHD to use technology wisely and responsibly and to balance their technology use with other activities that are good for their well-being. 

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